Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chapter 20- Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Northern Europe (post 1)

Hubert and Jan van Eyck, Ghent Alterpiece (open), 1432. Late Medieval/Early Renaissance.
The scene positioning featured in the Ghent Alterpiece is quite neat. I especially appreciate the way that the far-left and far-right scenes correspond with one another, despite the central scenes that creates the distance. I also am intrigued by the representation of Jesus' sacrifice- or maybe the Last Supper's "wine"- with the bleeding heart of the lamb into the chalice.

Hubert and Jan van Eyck, Ghent Alterpiece (closed), 1432. Late Medieval/Early Renaissance.
The life-like statues in the "closed" (above) are very dynamic. I also appreciate the tiny view of the city's horizon in the painting. It truly looks like the layout of an actual room. 

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